- Run Selenium GUI tests as part of the build on Jenkins.
- Collect code usage data to be able to report code coverage on Sonar.
Project Layout
- Cloudex-parent
- Core module - services, daos
- GUI module - for instance Wicket web GUI
- Test module - Selenium integration tests
There are two relevant parts of Maven config - parent POM which defines JaCoCo offline instrumentation and
the test POM which covers deployment to embedded Tomcat and running.
parent pom
Test POM
Just few more points:
- The config module contains build folder with /lib folder with the configuration which needs to be in Tomcat.
- We need to include jacoco-agent.properties file in the /lib folder from the previous point. It should contain at least a single line: destfile=${sonar.jacoco.itReportPath} (see offline instrumentation).
- Selenium tests which should run are defined in the testng.xml.
- We have a dedicated database on external server which is migrated and against which runs the deployed application.
- The tests run in Firefox on a headless system (Jenkins master) thanks to Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer), so the Jenkins server must have Firefox and Xvfb installed.